PART 11. Who are the main characters in the film? Louanne, Emilio, Raul, Callie
2. Why does Lou Anne accept the job? Because they paid her very well, and she hasn't got a job at the moment.
3. Is Lou Anne getting the student's attention? How? Yes, doing interesting things with them, not only the typical, because that is why they don't like school, so she try to improvise a lot.
PART 2 1. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS:1. Are the students learning poetry?How? Yes, they learned poetry by interpreting the meanings of the Bob Dylan's songs.
2. What's the prize for the contest? First she gave them snaks and then they'll won a dinner with her in a French restaurant.
3. Who are the winners? Raul, Callie and Durrel.
4. Who's finally going? Finally only Raul is going.
5. What do they have for dinner? They have an all chicken.
6. What's Raul's problem? His problem is that he hadn't got anything to wear for the dinner so he bought a jacket for $200 but he hadn't got the money and if he didn't pay it, he will die. He said to Louanne that he will pass two days out of school because he needed to found the money.
7. What's Lou Anne's offer? She said him that she will lend him the money, because he couldn't left school, but when he he must returned it, she do that to motivate him to study because he only have to returned it if
he graduetes
6. What's Callie's problem? She is pregnant, so she wants to leave school to go to a special mother's school.
7. How is Lou Anne helping Callie? She explains to Callie that she mustn't left school because she had a big talent for study.
8. What's Emilio's problem? Someone wanted to kill him.
9. How is Lou Anne helping Emilio? She said him that he must go to the police
10. Is Emilio asking for help to the principal? Yes, but the principal didn't listen to him because he didn't knock the door.
11. What happens to Emilio? Because the principal didn't listen him, he goes away of the school and while he is in the street the boy who wanted to kill him, shoot him in the head and he dies.
12. Is Lou Anne leaving the job? Why? She wanted to left it, but she doesn't because her students said her that she couldn't leave because she was their light.